Entertainment, Arts & Culture

Kindle Storyteller Award 2024!

Calling all writers! Amazon's Kindle Storyteller Award is back with a bang, offering a £20,000 Grand...

Inspiring Reading Joy: A Journey Through Interactive Workshops with Molly Arbuthnott

I have been holding workshops in the United Kingdom for several years with great success, and my stu...

Stranger than Fiction

Stranger than fiction? You couldn’t make this up!Well, I didn’t!A chance encounter on a ship. Covid-...

Boundless Spirit of Creation

For those new to the Antifolk scene, Lach is often considered the beating heart of the movement. He...

FROM THE BURGH AND BEYOND – Editing by Committee

There were times when we thought it couldn’t be done, but as Bob later wrote in the book, ‘Where the...

Women and the long shadow of a Victorian taboo

When I talk at book festivals and libraries about the restrictions faced by our many times great gra...

My Journey to Becoming a Writer

I never imagined myself as a writer, let alone one whose work others might enjoy reading. I am total...

A Prophetic Tale of Crisis and Chaos

Way back in 2007, the world watched as a slow motion train wreck began across the world. The su...

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