A Prophetic Tale of Crisis and Chaos

A Prophetic Tale of Crisis and Chaos

1 year ago | 387 Views

How a Work of Fiction Predicted a Real-Life Disaster, and What We Can Do to Prevent the Worst

Created By Gwen Gates Parker

Way back in 2007, the world watched as a slow motion train wreck began across the world. 

The sub prime mortgage obfuscation had been growing for years but tipping point had been reached. Banks suddenly began to seize up, the flow of money slowed to a trickle and suspicions in the markets grew.

Beginning with Northern Rock, banks began to crash. So began the age of austerity. 

In 2010, this was brought close to home as my daughters beloved school closed. They had lied to themselves, to the parents and to the world, denying the true depth of the problem. This was repeated the world over, and where there was one plentiful money, there was now fear and uncertainty. I began to think about where the world was going, and where the UK would end up. 

In 2012, the Edinburgh Agreement set out the timetable for the first independence referendum in 2014. So followed 2 years of passionate debate. It was discussed everywhere I went. As an English person in Scotland, initially I thought it was none of my business. I lived here but I would vote for friends, see which way the wind blew. But the more they argued and cried, the more I realised it was my duty to vote "yes" for the good of the future of Scotland. 

England seemed to be imploding and I wanted none of that. 

We lost. 

Then came Brexit and we lost again.

The devisive, nasty flag waving masses, inveigled, led by liars and self serving thieves, the rich, the invested, the ones who could escape. They were duped into thinking that Europe was the enemy. But the enemy was most definitely within.

We, and Northern Ireland, had been taken out of Europe by force. We had no say in the path we were about to take, and very quickly, we realised the path was far from even paved with tarmac. Brexit was a disaster. Scotland was "sent homeward, to think again".

Somewhere in there, around the time Scotland realised that the UK was on a mission to self destruct, so began Wolf Craigs. 

I finished writing the first draft around 2019. 

I could forsee the austerity, the fights, both in the streets and in the corridors of power, the energy poverty, the lack of basic services and supplies, the polarised views, the collapse of the NHS, closing schools, the fight for Northern Ireland, the roaming gangs who only wanted power, the brain and skills drain, the rise of the food banks and the despair of the Scottish people. So many things have come true. 

I made up the First Minister, the army, the terrorism within the European Union, the political parties and the North Sea blockades. 

But it didn't mean they're not coming. 

In the final draft, all I needed to add was a passing reference to covid and it was done. 

Wolf Craigs is a story. 

When I wrote it, none of it was real. 

But it is now. At least some of it. 

Together, we might just be able to stop the rest.

Get your copies from Amazon by clicking here: WOLF CRAIGS


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