No big feet: Writing for tinies

No big feet: Writing for tinies

1 year ago | 405 Views

Considerations, what to think about when writing for young children

Created By Lea Taylor

Writing a successful children's book is no small feat. It requires creativity, imagination, and a strong understanding of what children want to read. But what does it take to create a beloved children's book with a midgie as the hero? Let's explore!

First and foremost, it's important to understand what a midgie is. For those unfamiliar, a midgie is a Scottish term for a small, biting fly. While this may not seem like the most obvious choice for a hero, it's important to remember that children have a unique sense of humour and are often drawn to unexpected characters.

When crafting a midgie hero, it's important to give them a relatable personality. Children want to see themselves in the characters they read about, so it's important to create a midgie who is kind, curious, and brave. Maybe your midgie is determined to explore the world beyond their pond, or maybe they're on a quest to discover the secret to making the tastiest plant nectar. Whatever their motivation, make sure it's something that children can identify with.

In addition to a relatable personality, your midgie hero should have some unique abilities or characteristics. Perhaps they're particularly agile and can dart around obstacles with ease. Or maybe they have an extraordinary sense of smell, which comes in handy when searching for food or avoiding predators. Think about what makes a midgie special and use that to create an exciting and engaging story.

When it comes to the plot of your midgie hero's adventure, the sky is the limit. Whether it's a classic hero's journey or a lighthearted romp through the grass, make sure the story has plenty of action and excitement. Children have short attention spans, so it's important to keep them engaged from start to finish. This could mean including humorous dialogue, unexpected plot twists, or a heartwarming conclusion.

Of course, no children's book is complete without illustrations. When it comes to depicting a midgie, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, your midgie should look friendly and approachable. While they may be a biting insect in real life, in the world of children's literature, they should be cute and endearing. Think big eyes, a friendly smile, and bright, cheerful colors.In addition to the midgie hero, your illustrations should also include other creatures that your midgie interacts with. Perhaps there's a wise old spider who offers advice, or a clumsy ladybug who always manages to get into trouble. Each character should have a distinct personality and appearance, which helps to create a rich and immersive world for children to explore.

Finally,when it comes to writing a successful children's book with a midgie hero, it's important to remember that it's all about fun. Children's literature is meant to be entertaining and engaging, so don't be afraid to take risks and try something new. With a little imagination and a lot of creativity, you can create a midgie hero that captures the hearts and minds of children everywhere.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your pen and paper, and start brainstorming your own midgie hero adventure today!


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