The Value of Feedback

The Value of Feedback

1 year ago | 162 Views

Did you know that feedback is THE most valuable thing you can give and receive as a writer?

Created By The Book Whisperers

Did you know that feedback is THE most valuable thing you can give and receive as a writer?

It can be hard getting the objectivity and support you need to develop your work, so finding someone who really understands where you’re coming from and what you’re trying to do is like gold dust. That's one of the reasons we set up The Book Whisperers.

I've heard some people balk and back away from giving feedback saying 'oh, I don't feel qualified to do that!' Actually you are!

You are a reader.

You are a writer or an emerging writer.

You have opinions and most of all, you are a creative - otherwise you wouldn't be on this site.

So: You are qualified to give critique. (Just don't be an eejit about it.)

Good feedback should be:

1. Constructive - Critique is not about telling someone what’s bad/wrong about their writing. Look for the good bits and help the writer build on them instead of tearing the rest of it down.

2. Motivational - Feedback isn't about telling someone how to do it better or how to fix issues. By all means offer suggestions, ask prompting questions, and help them brainstorm, but they don’t need YOUR ideas, they need to figure things out for themselves. It’s their story.

3. Honest - Don't tell someone their writing is great just because you wanna be nice. Good critique is honest but kind; constructive and encouraging. Give your honest emotional response to a piece - how it made you feel and what it left you thinking about.

Okay, I'll get off my proverbial soap box now. Have a wonderful day everyone!

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