Memoir Writing

Memoir Writing

1 year ago | 310 Views

Three tips for writing memoirs

Created By Mary Turner Thomson

Writing a memoir can be a daunting task. After all, you are tasked with documenting your life in a way that is both entertaining and true to the events as they happened. You are encouraging others to follow you along your life's journey. It's easy to get lost in the details and forget what really matters. So, in the spirit of levity, let's discuss the three most important things to consider when setting out to write a memoir.

Decide which parts of your life are worth sharing

Let's face it, not every moment of your life is worth sharing. That time you fell asleep in the movie theater and snored loudly for an hour? Not interesting. But that time you accidentally set your neighbour's cat on fire while trying to light your barbecue? Now that's a story worth telling.

When writing a memoir, it's important to focus on the moments that shaped you into the person you are today. Whether it's a hilarious mishap or a heartbreaking tragedy, the events that had a profound impact on your life are the ones that will resonate with readers.

Be honest, even if it hurts

It's tempting to sugarcoat the less flattering aspects of your life when writing a memoir. But if you want your book to be taken seriously, it's important to be honest about your flaws and mistakes. No one is perfect, and readers will appreciate the raw honesty of a memoir that doesn't shy away from the less glamorous parts of life.

Of course, there's a fine line between honesty and self-flagellation. Your readers don't want to read 300 pages of you beating yourself up over every mistake you've ever made. But by acknowledging your mistakes and showing how they led you to where you are today, you can turn even the most embarrassing moments into valuable life lessons.

Find your voice

The most engaging memoirs are those that feel like a conversation with the author. In order to achieve this, it's important to find your own unique voice. Are you a witty observer of human nature? A philosophical ponderer of the big questions in life? A teller of tall tales and wild adventures?

Whatever your style, it's important to write in a way that feels authentic to you. Readers can sense when an author is trying to be someone they're not, and it can be a major turnoff. By finding your own voice, you can create a memoir that is both entertaining and deeply personal.

So remember, writing a memoir can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By focusing on the moments that shaped your life, being honest about your flaws, and finding your own unique voice, you can create a book that is both entertaining and deeply personal. And who knows, you might even inspire someone else to write their own memoir. So, grab a pen and some paper, and start writing!

#memoir #writingadvice #findingyourvoice

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Mary Turner Thomson is the author of two international best selling memoirs - The Bigamist published in 2007 and The Psycopath published in 2021. (Click on either title to be taken to the sales page for these gripping books.

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